Our Offerings


We're like personal trainers for companies, helping organizations develop their people and unlock their full potential. It's incredible to see the impact!

Make the world more connected one story at a time. Turn off the office autopilot and chose empathy, each other, be present, listen, hold space, stay curious, grow, learn. We celebrate the Small Wins, Personal growth, Creative solutions, Taking the first step, Peer support.

We know that every team is a unique combination of individual personalities, identities, motivations and behaviors.

Our Training Is Not:

  • Bombarding trainees with facts, figures, and rules; packed into a session of only spoken and written content
  • Showing boring, tedious, or sorely out-of-date videos
  • Providing lengthy front-of-the-room lectures, or leaving participants with a hefty binder to plow through


Let's do this together!

It’s time to work on you….Engage in interactive coaching sessions, reinforced by targeted resources and exercises. Develop mastery in leadership essentials like communication, problem-solving, and presentation skills.


Leadership Coaching

Presenting & Storytelling

Presentation Skills Coaching

Keynote / Speaking

We'll take your event from bland to GRAND!

Every keynote is carefully designed to resonate with your audience, leaving a lasting impression that extends far beyond the event itself.


Want to know the secret to making learning exciting, interactive, and lasting?

Our facilitation program teaches you the fundamentals on how to create immersive experiences.

Events & Retreats

Rethink Your Next Gathering

Our programs ignite creativity, foster empathy, and cultivate inclusive cultures where everyone feels valued and connected.



Effective Communication

Together to Gather

Change Management

Let's face it – change can be both exhilarating and intimidating! But here's the thing: it's an inevitable part of growth and success.

Regardless of your role, the skills you will gain during this training will help you thrive in a rapidly changing environment. We want every participant to be equipped with the ability to deal with new patterns and ways of working and open to new possibilities.

Effective Communication

You know what they say - clear communication is clear success!

Struggling to get your point across? Are the messages getting lost in translation? Could team members learn better listening skills? Effective communication is key to success.


Feeling like you're stuck in a leadership rut, and unsure how to break through to the next level?

Whether you’re starting your leadership journey or an executive navigating complex team dynamics, we’re here to guide you towards success.

Women Leadership

Are you committed to creating a workplace where women can truly thrive?

Are you committed to creating a workplace where women can truly thrive? We challenge the status quo and provide the tools and opportunities for women to redefine what’s possible

Presenting & Storytelling

Let's show the world what you are made of! Take that next step and share your story.

Transform your message and delivery to engage and inspire larger audiences. Our expertise will help you shine on in meetings or on the main stage.

Team Building

Do you want to make your team go from meh to mesmerizing?

Whether you’re leading a new team or looking to strengthen existing bonds, empowering connections are key to success. Our expert guidance will help you build trust, foster open communication, and unlock your team’s hidden talents.



News / Post

  • Unlearning – The Challenge of Change

    Jessie Shternshus


    RubyConf 2018

    December 05, 2018

  • Unlearning - The Challenge of Change

    Jessie Shternshus


    Agile on the Beach 2019

    August 16, 2019

  • Applying improvisation to Business Contexts

    Jessie Shternshus


    All the remote things

    March 09, 2023