Common Pain Points

Do these sound familiar?

We love sniffing out the challenges that slow your business down so we can zap them with tailor-made solutions. Team up with us, and let’s turn those roadblocks into stepping stones for your success!

Lack of engagement and participation in learning environments

Ineffective group collaboration and idea generation

Difficulty in adapting facilitation techniques to different contexts and audiences

Goals & Highlights

We're all about turning big dreams into bright realities! We'll spotlight your success, set clear goals, and make sure every step of the journey is worth celebrating.

Understanding Facilitation

Brief description: Participants will learn facilitation concepts and theory, along with tools and techniques to establish psychological safety within a group.

Adapting to the Context

Brief description: Participants will learn to understand their audience’s needs, pain points, and opportunities, and adapt their facilitation techniques accordingly.

Honing Facilitation Skills

Brief description: Participants will develop skills to effectively communicate ideas, manage conflicts, and maintain engagement during sessions.

Designing Events

Brief description: Participants will gain insights into designing productive meetings and ideation sessions.

What to expect

Expect a wild ride where creativity meets strategy! Improv Effect will guide you through innovative solutions with a dash of humor, ensuring you walk away inspired, energized, and ready to take on anything.

  • Part One (4 hours) - What is Facilitation?

    • Facilitation concepts & theory
    • Tools and techniques for facilitation
    • Establishing psychological safety
  • Part Two (4 hours) - Adapting to the Context

    • Knowing your audience (needs, pain points, and opportunities)
    • Listening and adapting to an audience
    • Group decision making
  • Part Three (4 hours) - Honing Facilitation Skills

    • Speaking to your ideas and solutions
    • Dealing with conflict and disruption
    • Maintaining engagement
  • Part Four (4 hours) - Designing Events

    • Designing meetings
    • Concepts of ideation
    • Structuring an ideation session