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50 Games for 50 ****ing Days Like Today

by Jessie Shternshus and Mike Bonifer

What kind of day are you having? Is it a *ing day? Or is it a *ing day? What are you going to do about it?

Mike Bonifer and Jessie Shternshus, who teach companies around the world how to apply improvisation to business, have created 50 original improv games tailored to the kind of ****ing day you’re having. From the bathroom to the board room, and every stop in between, this fun and engaging book helps you get the craziness under control.

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“An exceptional and very fun read.”

“CTRL Shift is the reset button you need to stay on track.”

No More Meetings

No More Meetings

Unlearn "bored room" Practices to Change the Way We Connect

by Jessie Shternshus and Mike Bonifer

We can’t eliminate the need for people to gather, nor would we want to. Such gatherings are the basis of a group’s culture and provide humanity and the bonding to create a shared sense of purpose in an enterprise.

What we can do is make our work gatherings more meaningful, more human, more purposeful, more creative-maybe even more fun. What you’ll get in our book are a bunch of ways to do just that. The same old processes won’t resolve brand new problems.

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“…if you’re ready to shake things up this book will provide the perspectives and directives to unlock the potential in your group”

“Extremely informative, funny and practical advice.”


Together ToGather

Conversation Card Deck

A card deck to inspire deep and meaningful connections made in collaboration between &Human and The Improv Effect.

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Introducing a new two-deck conversation card set that inspires meaningful conversation and connection. As loneliness increasingly isolates people and is unrooting and disconnecting our communities, we want to create pathways to bring people back together. We understand that it can feel challenging, intimidating, or uncomfortable to have conversations that delve beneath the surface. But that’s where connection takes place.

What if we could help ease the tension? When working with groups to overcome this exact challenge, we recognized the need for a tool to help facilitate going deeper.

By using the Together To Gather cards, players can learn how to deepen conversations and discover more about the people they are playing with, whether they are new acquaintances or lifelong friends.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead… get together, gather, get drawn in, get curious and create connection. That’s worth sticking around for!!

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    Communicating to Leadership with Confidence

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    Communicating Up & Down in an Organization

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LinkedIn Learning
  • Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

    Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

    with Jessie Shternshus

    Purchase at LinkedIn