Common Pain Points

Do these sound familiar?

We love sniffing out the challenges that slow your business down so we can zap them with tailor-made solutions. Team up with us, and let’s turn those roadblocks into stepping stones for your success!

Resistance to change

Lack of clear vision and communication

Ineffective collaboration

Inability to adapt to uncertainty

Stagnation due to fear of failure

Goals & Highlights

We're all about turning big dreams into bright realities! We'll spotlight your success, set clear goals, and make sure every step of the journey is worth celebrating.

Uncovering Leadership Approaches:

Identify and leverage each other’s strengths by uncovering your default leadership approach.

Setting Goals During Change:

Learn how to set clear and actionable goals when navigating change.

Creating Psychologically Safe Environments:

Foster environments where team members feel safe to express their needs and address challenges.

Defining Team Identity and Value:

Identify who you want to be as a team and how you add value to the organization.

What to expect

Expect a wild ride where creativity meets strategy! Improv Effect will guide you through innovative solutions with a dash of humor, ensuring you walk away inspired, energized, and ready to take on anything.

    Steps to go through together

  1. 1

    Introduction and Vision Setting:

    Understand the importance of a clear and transparent vision in leading through change.

  2. 2

    Identifying Resistance:

    Learn techniques to identify and address resistance to change within your team.

  3. 3

    Challenging the Status Quo:

    Practice challenging existing processes and beliefs to foster innovative thinking.

  4. 4

    Building Collaboration and Experimentation:

    Develop strategies for building a culture of collaboration and experimentation.

  5. 5

    Reframing Problems and Uncovering Assumptions:

    Engage in exercises to reframe problems and uncover hidden assumptions.

  6. 6

    Managing Uncertainty:

    Strengthen your capacity to manage uncertainty and adapt to change.

  7. 7

    Test-and-Learn Mindset:

    Apply a test-and-learn framework to identify actionable experiments in your work.

  8. 8

    Creating Psychologically Safe Environments:

    Learn how to create environments where your team feels safe and supported.

  9. 9

    Defining Team Identity:

    Work together to define your team’s identity and how you add value to the organization.

  10. 10

    Reflection and Feedback:

    Reflect on the learnings and provide feedback to each other.


Get ready to see you, your team and your business transformed into a powerhouse. After working with us, you’ll all be sharper, more connected, and ready to tackle anything together!

Clear Vision and Communication:

Leaders who can articulate a clear and transparent vision of the future.

Reduced Resistance to Change:

Effective strategies to identify and reduce resistance to change.

Collaborative and Innovative Culture:

A culture of collaboration and experimentation that encourages continuous evolution.

Adaptability and Resilience:

Enhanced ability to manage uncertainty and adapt to change.

Psychologically Safe Environments:

Teams that feel safe, supported, and valued, leading to increased engagement and performance.

Defined Team Identity and Value

A strong sense of team identity and understanding of how to add value to the organization.