Potential Next Steps

Supplementary Workshop

Unlearning Workshop

Unlock Your Potential by Shedding Old Habits

We are constantly challenged by the need to change in order to remain competitive. Individuals must shift their habits, teams must adjust their behaviors, and organizations must update their mindsets.

As our access to knowledge becomes easier, it is also getting obsolete at a faster pace. It is apparent that in order to learn

something new we need to first get rid of - unlearn - something old; and the best way to make shifts is through interactive learning.

Participants of this experiential workshop will learn how to better work together and understand the importance of shifting habits and adjust their behaviors in order to creatively solve problems as they occur.

We will be working in pairs, small groups, and teams, so that everyone gets to connect with much of the people in the room while having fun!

We will focus on:

  • Understanding the diverse strengths of team-members and the team
  • Self-awareness and uncovering assumptions that lead to a limiting mindset
  • Identifying “blockers” in the team and organization
  • Building off each other collaboratively (using the “Yes, and...” principle) to produce new ideas
  • Uncovering new problem areas and new ways to solve the problems (Reframing problems)
  • Pushing past the obvious solutions to get to something creative